Most of the clubs have their own credit card supported by credit card issuers. Football credit cards belong to the Affinity Card group and your credit card account will be linked to the football club of your choice. The credit limit that you’ll be given by the credit card issuer will depend on the outcome of the credit xôi lạc tv search carried out on you. If your credit rating is excellent, then you can expect to get a higher credit limit on any transactions carried out with your football credit card. The credit card itself will have all the regalia of your club’s team – its colour as well as its logo imprinted on it.
Almost all football credit cards are managed by MBNA and therefore share similar characteristics such as introductory credit card deals of 0% APR and 0% APR on credit card balance transfers.
And not only this, the football credit card, in order to say a special “thank-you” to its fans for choosing its credit card, often presents brilliant reward schemes. Some reward schemes allow you to earn points on every purchase you make and you can redeem these points when you purchase merchandise in the Club shop using your football credit card. Another type of reward offered is the adding of interest bonuses to your credit card account depending on how well your team has performed over the season.
Football credit cards are a steady stream of revenue for football clubs. The good thing about the football credit card is that it is competitively priced. Each time you use your credit card your football club will receive a percentage of the amount spent by you, from the credit card issuer, at no extra cost to you